A happy heart makes the face cheerful...Proverbs 15:13

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anne Frank Lapbook

We started this Anne Frank lapbook as an assignment for Woman's History Month. The boys were not excited to learn about a girl, so I tried to find someone they could relate to. I considered Julia Childs since my oldest likes to cook. I researched some 'girls from the past' who were western villians or something boyish. In the end I decided on Anne Frank. Someone close to their age. After reading the book, we realized that Anne was a lot like my 7 year old, so he enjoyed that. I planned this lapbook out to be a 2 week project. However, we got into. Talking about Germany and Hitler and The White Rose Group. It was closer to a month of studies. Oh, and I definitely recommend the kids biography for this.

Before we start
....Our lapbooks are never extravagant. They are basic. Just a hands on tool. I just don't have the time to deck these things out like the 'true' lapbookers!

This is our front cover. We did a small window with a picture of Anne in it.

Our inside cover has some small flip books that show information on Anne Frank. We listed things she liked to do, her family, Jewish traditions, and talked about the secret annex. Also, when and where she was born and died.

The 2nd page is a time line. The 1st shows the time line of Anne's life. The second shows the time line of the world during the same time.

Our 3rd page consisted of a Hitler and WWI flap book. It hit the boys when we talked about the fact that there are people today who still have the same mindset as Hitler did. It was hard for them to grasp. That was a bible/character lesson in itself, but we only discussed it enough for them to get the point!
We also talked about our ancestors from Germany. We learned who our first ancestor to come to America was, when he came, where he settled, and where he and his wife are buried. We also discussed what our last name was before they came to America and why it was changed.
Lastly, we discussed the White Rose group. After discussing this group I decided to add a character trait into this study.

Our character trait for this lapbook was Virtue.
We talked about a few characters of the Bible to understand the trait. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego, Stephen, and Joseph in Egypt.
We discussed different definitions of the word, synonyms, antonyms, bible verses that relate, and what they can do to show this trait in their daily lives.

I love studies like this one. You start out prepared to learn a selected material only to find out you have learned above and beyond what you expected to. There was so much more we could have thrown into this study, but I figure a month was enough time and we needed to move on :)
I am thankful that we jumped into this.

What has been your favorite lapbook that you and your kids have done?

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