A happy heart makes the face cheerful...Proverbs 15:13

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Chore Cards

After many failures of creating a successful chore chart system, I am trying a new technique. Laminated Chore Cards.

We have tried so many techniques in efforts to have an orderly chore system. They all have failed. It has basically come down to me reminding the boys daily of what needs to be done.

Our closest success was the sticker chore chart. The boys had their own separate sheet, with their individual chores. It was simple. They completed the chore, they added a sticker. if their week was full they would get a reward. At that time it was allowance or they could trade that for a reach in the goody bag. The problem we ran into was that the chore would get done and then the boys would go on with their day and never make the completion. After a while of not getting rewarded, the chores just stopped getting done.

With my constant 'reminding' ,  the chores would get accomplished. However, I started to feel more like a broken nagging record. (My husband would be thrilled to hear me admit that). What we did was sit down and create a list of our daily chores. We separated them into morning and afternoon and then printed them out and made them into 4X6 laminated cards. We placed magnets on the back of each card so they could stay on the fridge as a "safe spot". Because boys loose everything if you didn't know! In the morning they can grab it to be sure they have gotten everything accomplished and then return it when we head down for school. Then check on it gradually throughout the day.

A list of items to be done weekly will be left on the fridge permanently, more as a reminder to myself. However, if they do the extra chores(without being asked) they will be allowed some additional allowance.

To encourage them I have slightly raised our allowance rates. That would motivate me. We are also creating our own 'piggy banks' of sorts using empty oatmeal containers or something similar.

Fingers crossed! If this works I could save some breathe, and time,  and use it during school time.
Not that they'd enjoy that any more.

What type of chore organization do you use?

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